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Texte à méditer :  Pourquoi voler?
Car une fois que vous aurez essayé de voler vous marcherez sur terre les yeux tournés vers le ciel, car là, vous êtes allés et là, il vous tarde de retourner. 
   Léonard De Vinci

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Baptêmes de l'air / Ecole de pilotage

Baptêmes de l'air:  

sur rendez-vous: 06 21 40 43 18

Manuel d'utilisation du Super Guepard

Circuits possibles:

Luçon: 15 min

Baie de l'aiguillon: 30min

La Tranche sur mer: 60 min

Observations Aériennes, largage parachutiste: 

Possibilté de prises de vues et de sauts en parachute pour événements, inauguration,... contactez le 06 21 40 43 18

Réservez dés maintenant , votre vol découverte en téléchargeant le: Bon de reservation

Baptême de 15 min 50 euros
Baptême de 30 min 65 euros
Baptême de 60 min 110 euros
Baptême de 90 min 150 euros
Vol d'initiation* 100 euros

*30 min de briefing + 30 min de vol en place gauche pilote avec un instructeur
Ce vol peut être considéré comme une première séance d’instruction

Masse totale pilote + passager + ulm n'excédant pas 472,5 Kg
Sous condition de météo favorable

Disponible pour l'école :

  • 3 instructeurs
  • 1 ulm mutilaxe Super Guepard 912 UL

    pour l'instruction et le vol en double commandes

Vous pouvez obtenir votre brevet ulm dès l'âge de 15 ans et sans limite d'âge.

Essayer pour voir: c'est une activitée à la portée de tous.

Prix Membres Etudiants Honoraire
80 Euros
60 Euros
74 Euros
Heure de vol
70 Euros
60 Euros  
Heure de vol en instruction  Heure de vol + coût instructeur

Forfaits heures de vol
10 heures
670 Euros
25 heures
1625 Euros

Parcours du Tour Ulm 2011
Présentation du livre: "Quand l'ombre se détache du sol"

Forum - Sujet n°33

Sujet n°33 FC 24: Unraveling the Thrills of SBC Analysis and Player Reviews
    par DonnaStella123 - visiteur
le 17/02/2024 @ 08:17
FC 24: Unraveling the Thrills of SBC Analysis and Player Reviews

Football enthusiasts and FIFA aficionados alike have found themselves immersed in the dynamic world of FC 24, a virtual realm where players can build dream squads, engage in thrilling matches, and partake in various events and challenges. In this article, we'll delve into the exciting features that have captivated the gaming community - namely, the Player of the Month (POTM), Team of the Year (TOTY), Icons, and Road to the Final (RTTF) components.

Player of the Month (POTM):

The POTM feature in FC 24 has become a cornerstone for players seeking to enhance their squads with standout performers. Each month, a carefully selected player who has demonstrated exceptional skills and impact on the virtual pitch is awarded the coveted POTM title. Gamers can engage in Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) to unlock these special cards, featuring boosted stats and unique designs.

The allure of the POTM cards lies not only in their enhanced attributes but also in the dynamic nature of the challenges required to acquire them. SBCs demand creativity, resourcefulness, and strategic thinking from players, fostering a sense of accomplishment when the sought-after card is finally secured. The anticipation surrounding the announcement of the POTM candidates and the subsequent SBC release adds an element of excitement to the FC 24 experience.

Team of the Year (TOTY):

The TOTY in FC 24 represents a prestigious lineup of the best-performing players throughout the calendar year. These players receive highly coveted blue TOTY cards with significantly boosted attributes, making them formidable additions to any squad. The selection process for TOTY involves votes from the gaming community, reflecting the collective appreciation for outstanding performances in the virtual arena.

Coins are an important aspect of FC 24 and are necessary for players to build and strengthen their squads. The more coins a player has, the more they can invest to get better players and improve their chaances of success on the virtual court. The https://www.mmoexp.com/Fc-24/Coins.html platform will be the best choice for players, selling cheapest FC 24 coins online all day long.

What sets TOTY apart is not only the statistical boosts but also the limited-time availability of these cards. As a result, TOTY players become rare and sought-after commodities, with the market experiencing fluctuations as gamers scramble to secure these elite virtual athletes. The TOTY event not only celebrates the skill and dedication of virtual footballers but also injects an element of scarcity and urgency into the FC 24 ecosystem.


Icons are legendary players who have left an indelible mark on the footballing world. In FC 24, Icons bring a sense of nostalgia and prestige to the gaming experience. These virtual renditions of football legends boast high-rated cards with attributes that reflect their real-life prowess. Acquiring an Icon card involves engaging in Icon SBCs, which often require a combination of high-rated squads and specific player cards.

Icons not only elevate the overall quality of a squad but also add a layer of authenticity and historical significance to the virtual pitch. The inclusion of Icons in FC 24 fosters a connection between different generations of football fans, allowing players to build dream teams featuring both current stars and legends from the past.

Road to the Final (RTTF):

RTTF is an innovative feature in FC 24 that adds an exciting element of unpredictability to the game. The concept revolves around live player items that receive upgrades based on their team's performance in real-life competitions. As the player's team progresses in the tournament, their RTTF card evolves, reflecting the real-world success of the team.

This dynamic nature of RTTF cards introduces a strategic element to squad-building, as players must carefully choose individuals from teams with a strong chance of advancing in their respective competitions. The sense of investment and anticipation as players track the progress of their RTTF cards adds an immersive and ever-evolving aspect to the FC 24 experience.

FC 24 continues to captivate gamers with its engaging features, from the monthly thrill of chasing the POTM to the prestigious TOTY lineup, the legendary Icons, and the dynamic evolution of RTTF cards. These elements not only enhance the gameplay but also contribute to the sense of community and excitement that defines the virtual football universe. As FC 24 evolves, players can look forward to more innovations, challenges, and moments of glory on the digital pitch.
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